Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Last night on the NewsHour I saw a report on these people out in California who work for a program (managed by the state and paid for by the DEA) called


They basically scour the hills of the state looking for marihuana plantations and destroy them. What a life. But what got my attention is that the guy running the operation was wearing the most DARLING little hat... Anyone know where I might be able to get a CAMP cap?


Anonymous said...

Hi. I stumbled onto your blog by way of a comment you made about Elliot Smith and Asperger's. Coincidentally, I've been doing some research on whether I am an undiagnosed "Aspie". It's kind of chilling but a bit of a relief that I might finally understand what might be wrong with me. But anyways, I instinctively did a search on Bush and Asperger's and then Elliott Smith and Asperger's. While I am not a fan of the former, I am a loyalist to the latter. Funny, I would choose those two... But anyways, I would be curious if this was the case with Elliott Smith. Asperger's, alcohol, and drugs... I still need more information about my own psychological circumstances...but this might explain why Elliott Smith's songs consistently pulled me in like a riptide. His music may be the intimate communication of someone suffering the trials and tribulations of undiagnosed AS unawares. Lord knows how hard it is when you're confused and helpless. I'm hoping to no longer be either someday.

Oh and that hat is rather fab.

Juanolator said...

You may also want to explore other "co-morbid" symptology: OCD, bipolar, ADHD, dissociative syndrome, etc. Sometime one can be confused for another as their symptoms overlap so strongly (and often somebody with syndrome A will be related to somebody with syndrome B).

I think in 50-100 years it will have become clear that all of these rather different conditions are really all basally related somehow.